Support for fragilities

This is a specialized unit for managing fragile situations in the home,
composed of professionals in gerontology from member associations of the group. This service accompanies people with multiple vulnerabilities.


What is OPUSS ?

This cell includes a nurse coordinator, a psychologist specialized in gerontology a dietician and a social and family economy counselor..
It intervenes at the request of the sector manager with the agreement of the beneficiaries concerned to provide support and possible solutions to critical situations in the home such as

  • Exhaustion of family or professional caregivers.
  • Behavioral and/or relational disorders.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Refusal of care.

We listen

We help

We support


Report of the situation

A sector manager contacted OPUSS to report the situation of Mrs M, who was losing weight and had a decrease in food intake, making it difficult for the service to manage her. service.


Evaluation of the situation

A complete evaluation is performed on Mrs. M in the presence of her spouse.


Defining the action plan

The situation is discussed between all the professionals of the OPUSS cell in order to propose an action plan.


Implementation of the action plan

Establishment of a follow-up with the psychologist and adaptation of the visiting hours as well as regular monitoring of the indicators.

We are here to help you daily

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